it's the end of the year already?

It is, actually.

This year (like the year before it) has lasted for 20,769 lifetimes and for not long enough simultanously (if that makes sense), so i guess it's nice if i write down a recap of what happened in this year so that i can feed it to my anxiety generation machine and make my life even worse learn from my mistakes and be better next year.

So the following stuff happened to me in 2021:

January: I realised a new year has started, and reddit went wild on stonks. I also had to give an entrance exam which went about as well as you'd expect. I also got to be a part of a family event, and that was great!

February: february was basically a blur because i was at home all month, probably doing something boring since i remember none of it. Looking at pictures didn't help either, it's all either study stuff or amogus.

March: I had a little too much fun binge-watching all CGPGrey videos, i'll just post my favourite moment here: booty pls

Anyway, apart from this, i didn't do much in terms of exciting things except maybe watching Justice League: Snyder's Cut, which i liked a lot but its a 4 hour long movie, so i don't think anybody would be interested in listening about it.

April: April was a really hot month (much hotter than previous years) and so most of the month went with me on the bed, dehydrated. It's also a month were the pandemic really became a serious threat in my country, and lots of people started dying of it. keep this in mind for next month.

May: Next month's here already? wow, i really didn't do a lot in april did i
Anyway, so you know how everyone got infected in april? Well that wave came and hit my extended family of like a hundred something people in May. A lot of my relatives that went into May didn't come out, which was very disheatening to say the least.
But we can't just have all bad news, can we? so let's add some of the highlights of may:

June: ay the rains are here! and it doesnt seem to stop...
Yeah the rain was a real problem this year, mumbai was hit by a cyclone for the second time in literally foever, and it's the second consecutive year a cyclone has hit. Climate change is real guys, fix yo shit. Apart from that, I had a nostalgia session where i looked at stuff i had done before the pandemic, like actually going places and doing stuff.

July: ay, month 2 of rains! the clouds seemed to settle down and people could start going out; apart from a small emotional shock (which was quickly healed by England losing the Euro2020 to Italy), the month went quickly with me trying out the windows 11 beta and not liking it (I did like it a lot, but being a beta it was very unstable, not to mention my hardware is apparently too old to be supported by microsoft); I also tried out genshin impact, and got lost bored and left (it's not the game's fault dw, i'm just bad at the third person adventure dungeon genre whatever it's called)

August: month 3 of rains! after a bunch of celebration, i decided to take computers seriously, and started learning how html and css work, along with picking up python again. I also got to go out and meet my friends for the first time since before the pandemic, since i had gotten my first dose and i practically dragged everybody else downstairs (which was a bad idea in retrospect considering all of them were ineligible for the vaccine and hadn't taken it, but eh i'll blame that on my brain being on autopilot which it is on 90% of the times). I also tried playing COD Mobile, and it turned out to somehow have even worse-feeling movement mechanics than the PC games. would not recommend to people who are used to the idtech/source way of movement controls.

September: Month 4 of rains! time to enjoy the rains, since they'll be gone for good by the end of the month, and only return in June next year. (that's foreshadowing)
Anyway, i had a little too much fun binge-watching all vsauce videos, i'll just post my favourite moment here: vsauce being sus, or rather, vsus yes, i watched these videos on my smartphone, and was too lazy to properly crop my screenshots.
anyway, i got my second dose, and was fully vaccinated. so yay me?
I also started writing this blog! so yay me!

October: Month 5 of rains! wait

Something's not right.

Why the hell is there a fifth month of rains? that's not happened since like 1970 something (weird how the previous worst weather events have all happened in the 70s), and it's not even like the weakass rain that happens in september; these were proper thunderstorms and cloudbursts. seriously guys, i don't want my area drowning next year, just fix yo shit.
anyway, october was me getting introduced to Lite XL, a text editor I absolutely adore (post on it coming soon™ written on my gemini blog, link is this); it made me fall in love with computers and stuff again, and now i'm a little too active on the lite-xl discord server.

November: wow october was short wasn't it? anyway, november came with a butt-ton of festivals, i enjoyed a lot of them; we also got to go to school for the first time since before the pandemic, and i got to meet all my classmates, who are all unfortunately taller than me (now i know what short people feel like)

December: wait a minute, november was even shorter? at this pace, i wouldn't be writing anything about december-

yes, december is empty, sorry, now go home

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